Indusind Bank stock belong to Banking sector. NSE Code of Indusind Bank is INDUSINDBK. BSE Code of Indusind Bank is 532187. Face value of Hindalco is Rs. 10. Indusind Bank is available for Future and Options trading. Lot size for Indusind Bank Future is 800. (Time to time lot size changed by exchange, so please check it once before taking any action).
25 July 2020 : Indusind Bank closed at 522.25 (NSE closing price as on 24 July 2020). Stock closed with more than 1.5% gain on Friday. For Monday, 27 July 2020, Support levels of Indusind Bank at 520 then at 515 level. Resistance level 528 then next resistance at 535. Still no solid confirmation of buy signal in daily chart. Below 515 if sustain for few minutes then, possible target 509 and 502. Above 525, we can see some intraday buying upto level of 530 to 535 again. For buy position one should keep stop loss at 519. Make long or short position in market as per market trend. Above view only for educational purpose.